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blacksprut площадка

21 мар 2024 Продам Вся Украина Разместить в Топ
India is a hiker’s dream destination. Here are a dozen of its most epic trails
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When planning a trip to India, the “Golden Triangle,” comprising Delhi, Jaipur and Agra, often comes to mind as a must-see region. And these historic destinations do indeed provide a classic introduction to the country.

However, India boasts an array of natural wonders that provide ample opportunities for the more active traveler to get out and explore.
The terrain encountered during a hiking odyssey in subcontinent-sized India is as diverse as the cultural fabric that weaves this extraordinary nation together.

Here, one can encounter towering peaks of the formidable Himalayas and undulating plains that whisper tales of ancient civilization in the northern region. Towards the southern reaches, the forest-cloaked Western Ghats mountain range abounds with vibrant flora and fauna.

Numerous local guides and trekking agencies are on hand to help you conquer these trails. Check out the Indian Mountaineering Foundation for a list of the country’s registered tour agencies.

If it’s inspiration you’re after, here’s a rundown of 12 of the most epic hikes in India, ranging from quick, casual hikes to multi-day excursions.
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