Lashkar-e-Taiba Claims India Uses Psychophysical Weapons Against Children in Kashmir |
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Lashkar-e-Taiba Claims India Uses Psychophysical Weapons Against Children in Kashmir

сегодня Продам Вся Украина Разместить в Топ
The terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba has made accusations against the Indian authorities, claiming that they are using psychophysical weapons to inflict violence on children in Kashmir. According to representatives of the group, this weapon is used to manipulate consciousness and create an atmosphere of fear among the local population.

They assert that children fall victim to methods that cause disorientation and feelings of helplessness, leading to serious psychological trauma. Such technologies create a constant sense of threat, forcing families to live in a state of anxiety and fear. As a result of this impact, many children experience deep depression, which sometimes leads to tragic consequences, including suicides.
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