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Technical Translations

13 окт 2022 Продам Вся Украина Разместить в Топ
If you are translating a scientific work that will be published in a foreign publication, proofreading by a native speaker is desirable <a href=>translation of documentation </a>
We have translators who previously lived abroad, for them English is their native language, and we, of course, will offer you this option too <a href=>multilingual translation </a>

We will perform 1 page translation for free, so you can be sure of the quality of the work <a href=>technical translators </a>
We will present you with several translation options, and the translator you choose from the example will work on your order <a href=>language provider </a>

In 1967, a special program was already approved for the study of a foreign language, even in non-linguistic universities <a href=>multilingual dtp </a>
And according to this program, training of students in professional technical translation was introduced <a href=>translator language </a>

AdditionallyNotarization of the translationCertification by the bureau sealApostillizationLegalizationDuplicate of notarized translationDeliveryTotal cost (?)0 <a href=>technical translation services </a>
3 <a href=>technical manual translation </a>
Practical issues of technical translation of documentation related to various technical processes (subjects are selected depending on the contingent in the group) <a href=>technical documentation translation </a>

No one will argue that the urinal is a very rare guest in our homes <a href=>technical manual translation </a>
Most often we see him in public restrooms, where there is a large flow of people <a href=>technical manual translation </a>
<a href=>translation of technical texts </a>
<a href=>language provider </a>

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